These are the iron fists of the squad. They bring down enemies as their primary task, and by doing so make sure the rest of their squad endures any hardship.​
Your Role:​
In the end, you are the sword of the squad; you should be the first one in and the first one out. Your job is to kill and get killed, grotesque as it may sound. You cannot afford to hesitate if the conditions should call for you to give your life so that the rest of your squad can live, even if your death only grants them a tiny chance of survival. If you do, your squad may just endure and your medics will show you their gratitude by getting you back up on your feet.
You should be the one taking the biggest risks, and you should be the one who would gladly bring a knife to a gunfight if it means your medics can stay safe.​
Using smoke is one of the most under-utilised assets of an assault player's arsenal. Using smoke well, especially as a squad, can tip the balance of a game or even aid you in completely overwhelming an enemy that would otherwise have had you pinned.​
Recommended Weapon:​
Smoke/Grenade Launcher​
Fighting Style:​
Smoke - provides cover, Grenade launcher - clears cover..

Bad Company 2 - Assault - USA Battlefield 3 - Assault - USA Battlefield 4 - Assault - USA BC3 or BF5? - Assault - USA

Bad Company 2 - Assault - RU Battlefield 3 - Assault - RU Battlefield 4 - Assault - RU BC3 or BF5? - Assault - RU
The engineer should only be used if a map has several enemy vehicles in open terrain, meaning recon are unable to bring them down with C4.​
If the map has many vehicles (like on Atacama Desert Conquest) then you should definitely bring 2 Engineers to bust tanks. You might choose to use an extra engineer than attack with just the one.​ ​
Your role:​
In as much as you are a key member of any attack on enemy locations and vehicles, it is also your job to re-arm your team and repair your team's vehicles.​ ​
When under attack by tanks and helicopters, keep your RPG close at hand. Be aware though that you are vulnerable to attack from faster-firing weapons so be prepared to swap weapon at a moments notice.​ ​​
Recommended Weapon:​
Fighting Style:​​​​​ ​
Take out enemy vehicles

Bad Company 2 - Engineer - USA Battlefield 3 - Engineer - USA Battlefield 4 - Engineer - USA BC3 or BF5? - Engineer - USA

Bad Company 2 - Engineer - RU Battlefield 3 - Engineer - RU Battlefield 4 - Engineer - RU BC3 or BF5? - Engineer - RU

These are the beating heart of the squad. They keep the squad members alive, they suppress enemies and they are more than capable if things get tough and the bullets start flying. In other words; keep your medics alive and they will make sure you do too.​
Your Role:​
As a medic, it sure is tempting to equip that shiny LMG of yours and start mowing people down. While this is an important part of the medic's job, as is the case for any class, you will often find yourself having more pressing duties. Remember that it is better to revive a friendly inside the house, than kill an enemy outside.​
It is key to remember that you should always revive first, unless there are enemies posing an immediate and direct threat. This means that if you are in a building swarming with enemies, you should revive the guy lying next to you if there are no enemies inside the room, even if they are on the same floor. You are better off having a friendly shooting alongside you, and it should only cost you half a second, if you're quick, to revive him. ​
Recommended Weapon:​
Fighting Style:​
Suppressed Fire
Bad Company 2 - Med/Support - USA Battlefield 3 - Med/Support - USA Battlefield 4 - Med/Support - USA BC3 or BF5? - Med/Support - USA

Bad Company 2 - Med/Support - RU Battlefield 3 - Med/Support - RU Battlefield 4 - Med/Support - RU BC3 or BF5? - Med/Support - RU
For more infantry-based maps with few vehicles (like White Pass) you should go Recon. The last thing you want to do is camp behind with a sniper rifle. Bring a weapon you will be effective with at medium range. This could mean anything from shotguns, the G3, semi-auto snipers to bolt-action ones. Just bring one which you will be a very effective killing machine with. You have to account for the fact that you will not be able to revive and heal friendlies by killing more enemies. Just remember to use motion mines and C4 effectively; there is no reason in using the mortar strike. Hopefully your assault player will keep you supplied. ​
Using C4 to lay down a trap is another under-utilised tactic. ​
Examples would be on a road where the enemy will have to cross to get to you, or on the ground floor of a building where you're holding the upper floors (e.g. due to an M-COM). Space the charges out evenly so that wherever the enemy is within the C4-field, they will die when you blow them. Using motion mines in combination, you will be able to kill the first wave of enemies. ​
Recommended Weapon:​
C4 and Motion Mines ​
Fighting Style:​
Clear first wave of attackers.​

Bad Company 2 - Recon - USA Battlefield 3 - Recon - USA Battlefield 4 - Recon - USA BC3 or BF5? - Recon - USA

BC3 or BF5? - Recon - RU
Bad Company 2 - Recon - RU Battlefield 3 - Recon - RU Battlefield 4 - Recon - RU BC3 or BF5? - Recon - RU
Edited version of information found on www.gamereplays.org.