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As well as being a friendly gamers group, The Playstation UK1s (also known as the Unified Knights of Gaming) also encourage and accept friendly challenges from other clans on Bad Company 2.


For those who do not know what this means, every now-and-then The UK1s will be challenged to a friendly match against another clan.  The final result is insignificant just as long as we try to maintain composed and sporting throughout (even if the opponents are bloody cheats, LOL).


This page is a roster of those who play, or have played, for The UK1s on Bad Company 2.  (CLICK ON FLAGS)

Playstation ID:  bigjonny1483
Formerly: -

Name:  John

Favourite Soldier:  Any


Playstation ID:  carrotkiller

Formerly: -

Name:  Stef

Favourite Soldier:  Any


Playstation ID:  CombatMum2014

Formerly:  DntShootImBlonde

Name:  Samantha

Favourite Soldier:  Assault


Playstation ID:  DomSlaven-94

Formerly: -

Name:  Dominic

Favourite Soldier:  Assault


Playstation ID:  EazyPeazy

Formerly: -

Name:  Adam

Favourite Soldier:  Assault


Playstation ID:  FATandFLABBY

Formerly:  MadDogGeoff

Name:  Geoff

Favourite Soldier:  Medic


Playstation ID:  heffytojo

Formerly: -

Name:  Tony

Favourite Soldier:  Assault


Playstation ID:  Jack_Kerouac76

Formerly: -

Name:  Darren

Favourite Soldier:  Assault


Playstation ID:  Jimbhoy

Formerly: -

Name:  Jim

Favourite Soldier:

Playstation ID:  john1969gunner

Formerly: -

Name:  John

Favourite Soldier:  Assault


Playstation ID:  JohnWolves1977

Formerly: -

Name:  John

Favourite Soldier:  Medic


Playstation ID:  LCorpsRoss​

Formerly: -

Name:  Jamie

Favourite Soldier:  Recon


Playstation ID:  lsj23

Formerly: -

Name:  Simon

Favourite Soldier:  Engineer


Playstation ID:  m4j1k-3hm-17

Formerly: -

Name:  Mark

Favourite Soldier:  Engineer​


Playstation ID:  Paulgreen1978

Formerly: -

Name:  Paul

Favourite Soldier:  Any


Playstation ID:  Pixel Warriors

Formerly: SHARPSHOOTER2143

Name:  Shaheed

Favourite Soldier:  Any


Playstation ID:  Sean-bcfc1

Formerly: -

Name:  Sean

Favourite Soldier:  Any


Playstation ID:  seansta13

Formerly: -

Name:  Sean

Favourite Soldier:  Any

​​Playstation ID:  SeriouZ-BPEU

Formerly: -

Name:  Jamie

Favourite Soldier:  Assault


Playstation ID:  shadowman1979-uk

Formerly: -

Name:  George

Favourite Soldier:  Engineer


Playstation ID: shogundxx

Formerly: -

N​ame:  Alan

​​Favourite Soldier:  Assault


Playstation ID:  Spud-bcfc

Formerly: -

Name:  Simon

Favourite Soldier:  Any


Playstation ID:  suicidalpotato

Formerly: -

Name:  Ross

Favourite Soldier:


Playstation ID:  TheUnderwoods (Defending)

Formerly:  chu1969

Name:  Christine

Favourite Soldier: Medic


Playstation ID:  TheUnderwoods (Attacking)

Formerly:  pcoftqy

Name:  Martin

Favourite Soldier: Recon


Playstation ID:  ZAPHIRE_434

Formerly: -

Name:  Lannie

Favourite Soldier:  Any

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